Friday, October 07, 2005
I think my response was better.
[scene: extreme speed dating]
There’s the siren again. “Hi,” he says and shakes my hand. “I’m Carl, I’m thirty-five, and I work in advertising. I like the basic things in life like long walks and Sunday lunches, and I hate pretentious foreign films. What about you?”Excerpted from Love @ First Site, by Jane Monroe.
Taken aback by this bonsai approach, I widen my eyes slightly and take a deep breath, preparing to rise to the challenge. “I’m Jess.” I tap my badge. “I’m thirty-four, work in television, hate long walks, and love foreign films. But I’m with you on the Sunday lunches.” He laughs and I find myself feeling quite attracted to him. My spirits rise slightly, heartened that maybe this speed=dating business isn’t going to be such a damp squib after all.
With a sudden bolt of courage I didn’t know I could muster, I reach into my pocket and take out one of my calling cards. “So if you fancy sharing a roast one Sunday, here’s my card.” I hand it over and feel encouraged when he quickly accepts it, stuffing it into his shirt pocket.
He places his elbows on the table and leans forward, a conspiratorial look on his face. “So…” His voice is low. “What’s your favorite sexual position?”
At first, I’m not sure if I have heard him correctly above the din. But his leering expression suggests I have.
Both appalled and angry in equal measures, with one swift flick of m hand I reach into his shirt pocket and retrieve my card. “Forget it,” I snap. “You’re not my kind of guy.”
Gloria 1:53 PM
Your answer is by far the superior answer. I can't believe I had to use the link to refresh my memory though. That line should be permanently etched in my mind just in case I may have to use it in a future conversation.
Ummm ... I recognize that there might not be much dating going on out there given the pool of available specimens but there has got to be plenty of drinking going on. In other words, when can one expect an update? Please.
Ha! I've had those kind of conversations before too .. but it definitly ended after the sex question .. sometimes ;)
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